Saturday, July 25, 2009

Details and Links to Community Activities and Events

Take a Hike! Urban Hike is coming to Bellevue on July 25.  A four mile trek through Bellevue and the communities of Avalon and Ross Township, is an up hill and down dale walk of exploration and exercise.  Meet at Lincoln and N Sprague Avenues at 10am to join the hiking adventure!  New trekkers are always welcome.  Community Events are always on

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bellevue Borough Building Renovation

Real progress is being made in the renovation of the Borough of Bellevue Municipal Building.  Construction began in June and is scheduled to be completed in October.  It is truly a work of art!
Bellevue Borough Building Renovation
Borough Building Renovation Final Stages

Monday, July 6, 2009

Schenley Plaza

Sunday, July 12
2:00pm - 5:00pm

Kids Day- Enjoy!

Kids Day at Schenley Plaza features face-painting, balloon artists, a puppet show, mini-golf, and free rides on the PNC Carousel.

Schenley Plaza